Become A Dental Assistant With No Degree

As mentioned in my previous post about becoming a nurse with no college degree I would be posting additional career ideas that don't require college but are in high demand and have good earnings potential. While a medical related job but not quite the same as becoming a nurse a position as a dental assistant doesn't require a degree. Many kids my niece included has been taking classes during high school to become a dental assistant. Just like becoming a certified nursing assistant your will need to take some classes and pass an examination to become a certified dental assistant but it wont require completing a full 4 yr college degree program.

If you are unemployed or just graduating and looking for a possible job that doesn't require a degree becoming a dental assistant might just be what your want. This job includes working closely with the dentist to keep instruments, tools and offices clean. You will also be highly involved in keeping the patients at ease and as comfortable as possible. Lab duties, emergency medical procedures and other functions are also part to the required skills a certified dental assistant will need.

The demand for dental assistants is always high and with our aging population it will continue to grow. With all the new dental procedures being offered such as bleaching , whitening and veneers gaining in popularity, in addition to the standard preventative care there shouldn't be any shortfall of open positions for dental assistants and hygienists. Being a dental assistant in an office that specializes in laser teeth whitening might not sound glamorous but for a job that doesn't require a degree it can be quite rewarding. Many government facilities like jails, prisons and military bases are great places to put your skills to work. These types of jobs offer great benefits and above average pay.

Usually completing a course as a dental assistant can be completed in less than 2years and requires no college degree. Check with your local and state agencies for grants and tuition assistance to get enrolled in a dental hygienist class at your local vocational school, community college or state university. Other options would include checking out nursing programs like these listed at Indiana Nursing Schools.

No College Degree - Now What?

Many people today that have recently lost their jobs due to layoff, cutback or plant closings are not sure what they are going to do for a living because they have no college degree. Perhaps your just getting started in the working world right out of high school and are looking for work with no degree. It seems the media, employers and sometimes parents make you think that without a college degree you'll never amount to anything. Nothing could be further from the truth there are plenty of jobs and even high paying careers that you can start that require very little secondary education or no college degree at all.

If you have lost your job due to the economic hardships being faced by our nation today this is a great time to consider changing professions. There are plenty of state and federal programs that will help you get certifications if many different fields. If I were laid off from work and had no college degree I would consider looking at the many high paying medical jobs that are in high demand now and have huge potential in the long term. Here is a list of several medical related jobs that your might consider that don't require you to have a college degree.

Probably the best option for long term job security would be a to look into a careers as a nurse. Nursing contrary to popular belief does not require a degree. Yes nursing will require you to take some training at a local community college or through an online nursing school. Usually you can get complete your LPN certification within a year or get an RN certification in 2yrs. After taking the required nursing training you must then pass a state nursing exam to get your license. If your looking for something to get your back in the work force before you complete your nursing program your should consider becoming a certified nursing assistant or medical assistant. Many hospitals and nursing homes will hire you and actually pay for your to complete the CNA certification which takes about 4 weeks to complete and requires no college degree

Nursing is just one of the many medical jobs that can be completed with no college degree but will require some time getting the necessary training and certification. If your unemployed I can't think of any better career that has more potential that doesn't require a college degree.
Other jobs you might consider are becoming an EMT or paramedic, Dental Assistant , Xray Technician or Medical lab technician. This post is just to get you to open your eyes to the possibilities that are available that require no college degree. Don't belive there are jobs you can get that need no college degree then I suggest looking at some forums and you will see most of the jobs that are hiring are non degree medical related. Check with your state and local unemployment offices to see what type of continuing education grants are available. I know in my state there are plenty of grants available to help you get started.

Welcome to No College Degree

Welcome to my site " No College Degree". I decided to create this site after having a discussion with one of my kids that is about to graduate but really doesn't want to spend the time or money to get a college degree. While I highly encourage everyone to get a quality education and continue to learn throughout their lives , it is possible to do it without getting a college degree.

For the new high school graduates and many that are now facing job loss I hope to provide your some alternative career ideas that require no degree but still have high earning potential. Many times in our lives we face tough decision but career choice has to be one of the toughest, hopefully I can provide you with some valuable information. Feel free to leave any questions or comments you might have and I will respond as soon as possible.